
Mar 16, 2010,09:36 AM

I am very happy for you. The 5070 G has a great weight, delicious movement and perfect porportions. One day I would like to join this lucky club of owners. Best wishes,

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Ok, Ok ...I surrender.

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-14:17
It is too difficult to hide something with you, Guys... Here's my last PPP Catch. " Patek Philippe Paris ". It seems that my malediction ended...After 6 years of unfortunate attempts, I finally got it. The only problem I have is that it is a very difficul...  

wouldn't be white and black, rather discontinued by any chance

 By: Miranda : March 15th, 2010-14:22
and have P in it???? if so you swine you beat me by one day......

You mean this one?

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-14:24
Naaah, play again! Best, Nicolas...  

Aaah, this one??? :)))

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-14:35

I will not play my friend.....

 By: MiniCooper : March 15th, 2010-14:33
as I have inside information..... huge congratulations..... cheers

Yes, you're not qualified to play, PP.

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-14:42
Or next time I cut your Tongue! Best, Nicolas

Besides my friend....

 By: MiniCooper : March 15th, 2010-14:52
every time I win you do not acknowledge..... eg Memovox....(and with no inside or other info) cheers

LOL, PP... For the Memovox, it was well played. But

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-14:55
For this one, it is too easy! Best, Nicolas


 By: patrickh : March 16th, 2010-01:19
Pink Panther Patek then??? Cheers, Patrickh

other proposal PPP =

 By: patrickh : March 16th, 2010-01:34
Patek Philippe Purists Limited Edition Want to see pleeeeeaaaase A Wristshot +++++ I know we have to wait :-( your enthusiast post ))). Please do, Cheers, patrickh


 By: MiniCooper : March 16th, 2010-07:14
there will be a PPP.... cheers

when i read the subject, i was like... FINALLY!!

 By: lkzn55 : March 15th, 2010-14:43
.... and then nothing. Nicolas what have we done to you so that you punish us that way. I know what it is, i wont spoil the surprise, but JUST SHOW US HOW IT LOOKS WITH THAT GREAT STRAP!!!!!!! I am dying here to call my AD, strap issue is the last matter ... 

Well, you know me, Karim

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-14:53
I'm not happy at all with my pics, so I prefer to not post them... And I have so many things to say about this watch that I prefer to prepare the topic rather than posting a few pics as a burglar... Best, Nicolas

btw, i am really happy for you...

 By: lkzn55 : March 15th, 2010-14:46
... finally you can answer to a certain slogan of another 2nd gun brand ... " Have you ever worn a real watch ?" You can answer " Yes! i did! "... hehehe.. seriously now, if someone deserves such a beauty and can enjoy at it jst value, its you. Wear it in... 

Don't make us wait too long...

 By: lkzn55 : March 15th, 2010-14:59
.... i will wait for your post to trigger on it. How about that? K.

silly me.......

 By: Miranda : March 15th, 2010-15:50
no 9

Are you sure, Nr 6?

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-23:11
LOL...You made me think about " The Prisonner ". Best, Nicolas

I'm ashame.. :)))

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-23:12

Bloody lawyers !!!

 By: bimbeano : March 15th, 2010-16:48
Come on Nicolas, you know most of us here don't have a clue .... Filip

Nicolas, congratulations but please try to post.............

 By: Topcat30093 : March 15th, 2010-20:26
Before we are flooded with posts from Basel. I would hate for your well awaited moment to be lost.

Big Congrats...

 By: drsh : March 15th, 2010-20:59
Nicolas...I have no waiting with bated breath!! sh

5070?? [nt]

 By: fernando : March 15th, 2010-21:21
No message body

You must completely and unconditionally surrender...

 By: patrick_y : March 15th, 2010-21:50
C'mon, tell us what kind of watch it is. The terms of your unconditional surrender require you to tell us what it is... It looks like a Patek Philippe, manual wind, chronograph watch. It does have a Lemania look to it; my guess is that you got one of the ... 

Well, Patrick, my friend... I must not be used to surrender. :)

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-23:25
Soon, my friend, soon! And what about a ...5004? Best, Nicolas

Typical how Lawyer(s)

 By: Quan : March 15th, 2010-22:02

Or ...Don't. :)))

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-23:21

Again ... congratulations !

 By: Bruno.M1 : March 15th, 2010-23:17
I want to try to take pictures some day. You know how much I love them and I don't have pics of that version yet

Excellent idea, Bruno.

 By: amanico : March 15th, 2010-23:21
We should organize a small GTG with your collector friend, and do a photo session... Best, Nicolas

looks like a CH 27-70 calibre my friend

 By: patrickh : March 15th, 2010-23:59
You finally got your new lemania chronograph from PP to compete with your Lemania by VC. Congratulations +++++ Best, Patrickh

Sure? :)

 By: amanico : March 16th, 2010-00:15

Ah Lemania-que manie, when

 By: patrickh : March 16th, 2010-00:51
you hold us!!! You are a real Vintage man. Best, Patrickh

Huge Congratulations........

 By: Huei : March 16th, 2010-00:13
Cant wait to see you posting some great pictures of your new possession.

My guess is a 5070.

 By: masterspiece : March 16th, 2010-01:07
Am I correct, Nicolas??? Aloha, Bob

How rude of me. :-P

 By: masterspiece : March 16th, 2010-10:13
Allow me offer my congratulations as well on your new acquisition. Aloha, Bob

Huge Congrats Nicolas!

 By: Stefano : March 16th, 2010-02:14
Seems you got yourself a gorgeous 5070P (or 5970P, but somehow I think it's a 5070P). Please post pics asap! :-D

The watch that chooses its owner!

 By: Baron - Mr Red : March 16th, 2010-03:41

Exactly, Joe...A watch which chooses its owner...

 By: amanico : March 16th, 2010-04:12
It was a bif fight during these last years to get one, and finally, all ends well! Fate has played a big part in this Story. Best, Nicolas

Did this pic play a part Nico? Hehe....

 By: samwan : March 16th, 2010-05:57
Best and huge congrats! Sam...  

Well, I am guessing...

 By: respo : March 16th, 2010-07:50
it is a 5070P, too. PPP=Patek Philippe Platine. And you "needed" the 5070 to complete the fab four chrono theme collection you have been working on. But maybe you will surprise me further... Congratulations on whatever it turns out to be. Best always, res... 

Thanks a lot, Respo

 By: amanico : March 16th, 2010-08:54
Damn, you know me well! Of course I have this project in my mind. And Of course, I realized it. Best, my friend. Nicolas

As curious and lost as the rest, Nicolas...

 By: sanro : March 16th, 2010-08:53
...but it seems that "Big Congratulations" are in order... )

big congrats

 By: P@trick@Belgium : March 16th, 2010-09:04
....whatever it is i'm sure it was worth waiting for !! leave the picture taking to Bruno

Here's the answer...

 By: amanico : March 16th, 2010-09:04
I have really big problems to take nice pictures of this ...5070 G. The silver dial is not coming nicely on the pictures, so I have to take hundreds and hundreds pics for a poor result. But I'm working on it, and after the Basel Fair, I will post somethin...  

The watch that chooses its owner...

 By: Baron - Mr Red : March 16th, 2010-09:19
Ha. But i guess i was going to get that right! Congratulations to you. It is an icon. I know tastes vary, but my favourite two 5070s have the white metal. It is a watch that can be worn casually with jeans, and also one that looks awesome with a dinner ja... 

Once again....

 By: MiniCooper : March 16th, 2010-09:25
congratulations..... and I am certain that you will be able to take some excellent photos.. cheers

5070 G : G-reat catch and long life together

 By: patrickh : March 16th, 2010-10:06
The story seems to start long long time ago, and now come to life for life....... You will write the following posts with her for sure. Very happy for you Nicolas. best, patrickh

Ah 5070G

 By: efftee : March 16th, 2010-10:21
An excellent choice. Question: do you miss your 5712 at all? A little bit?

Thank you all, guys, for your nice messages.

 By: amanico : March 16th, 2010-11:36
As Napoleon said: Impossible is not French ( Well, almost )... Best, Nicolas

Bravo mon ami !

 By: DrStrong : March 16th, 2010-12:56
m-a-g-n-i-f-i-q-u-e !!!!

Nonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....;-) [nt]

 By: DrStrong : March 16th, 2010-13:47
No message body

My friend, congrats again

 By: Quan : March 17th, 2010-03:17
we just have same taste but I still keep 5712/1A to accompany this 5070G

Congrats, Nicolas!

 By: dxboon : March 17th, 2010-08:27
A beautiful new chronograph joins your family! It's lovely! Now the question is: which of this year's PP novelties will be purchased to go alongside it in your watch box? Great catch, brother! Cheers, Daos

I fear none of these ...

 By: amanico : March 17th, 2010-08:33
If I have to get a fourth one, it would be a 5100, a Nautilus Chrono or Vintage, and if I winn the lottery , the 5102 G. BUT there is one I have to see in the flesh before a final judgement...The 5960 P with the Blue dial. I wonder if I won't get tired of... 

Bravo, Nicolas!

 By: AlexSunrise : March 17th, 2010-20:06
Another beauty! I am extremely happy for you as you have been in love with this watch for quite some time now. As for finding the perfect Nato, well, anything is possible, so why not? Cheers my friend and congratulations! Alex

LOL, Thanks, Hermano.

 By: amanico : March 17th, 2010-22:32
Will try my best to not deceive you! Un abrazo! Nicolas


 By: emcquillan : March 16th, 2010-09:36
I am very happy for you. The 5070 G has a great weight, delicious movement and perfect porportions. One day I would like to join this lucky club of owners. Best wishes,

Very happy for you...5070wg is a great looking watch....

 By: Miles151 : March 16th, 2010-11:06
Enjoy your new wonderful Patek. M.

Huge Congratulations Nicolas.........................

 By: Topcat30093 : March 17th, 2010-02:11
Your patience has finally paid off. I shall look forward to seeing more photos of your baby. But PLEASE let it be without a Nato strap..................PLEASE.