RM005 piece unique / prototype?

Sep 15, 2023,16:49 PM

Greetings everyone,

I’m thrilled to make my inaugural post here and look forward to becoming an active contributor to this esteemed community.

I come to you with a bit of a conundrum. A few years ago, I acquired a pre-owned RM005. However, upon closer inspection and comparison with other models online, I observed subtle differences. Specifically, the covers adjacent to the 8 and 3 markers are absent, revealing more of the caliber. What intrigues me further is that my timepiece mirrors the one showcased on Richard Mille’s official website.

Despite investing over 10 hours into research and consulting with two boutiques, I remain puzzled. I’ve attached some photographs for reference:

Regular RM005

Thank you 🙏🏼

Trimmed and sharpened up the last image This message has been edited by cazalea on 2023-09-15 19:47:59

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Hi, look at my RM 028.

 By: brauner : September 15th, 2023-18:01
Seems to be the same movement. Compare with website of RM. Some pics of the RM 028 show the same differences of the movement. ...  

I always love seeing this 028.

 By: ArmisT : September 16th, 2023-00:26
Honestly, I’d enjoy even the current standard 028 offering, but pricing blasted into space a long time ago…and continues to climb.


 By: patrick_y : September 15th, 2023-19:24
As one of the moderators of the forum, allow me welcome you on behalf of the Moderation team. Looking forward to your active participation and enthusiasm on the forum! As for your conundrum, I don't know enough to state anything definitively. Looking forw... 

The pieces you describe appear to be sheet metal on some watches, and casting on others

 By: cazalea : September 15th, 2023-19:55
Welcome! By the numeral 3, the components are called "the keyless works" which really means "parts that wind the watch and set the position of the hands" I'm not sure what is being contained by the cover at 8. I'm not surprised that these vary - in fact n...  

I own 005 myself too

 By: Fjan : September 15th, 2023-20:41
I was told it is an option of late if you bring your watch for complete overhaul you can opt to update your watch ie change the “covered” to “skeleton”.. yours could have been in a services of late. Personally I prefer the original look ie what it was whe... 

 By: alex47692003 : September 15th, 2023-20:46
That’s what I first thought but then why is this the caliber represented on the official website under the historical watches? That’s why I’m still trying to figure it out

BTW what happen to that piece of skeleton between 6 and 8 on yours?

 By: Fjan : September 17th, 2023-11:08
Seems missing a part? Or it’s lighting on photo that hidden that skeleton part?