Please take care

Mar 10, 2011,23:00 PM

Its live on the news bulletins now and it looks bad.


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Japan is now being attacked by the wave of huge quakes....

 By: KIH : March 10th, 2011-22:38
... TV camera is showing huge tsunami are attacking the Pacific coast - some are 20ft, and expected/ warned to have 30ft one soon. All the trains are suspended. My building is still shaking on and off. Mother said most of the dishes are broken and bookshe... 

Horrible news. Take care of you and yours, my friend.

 By: amanico : March 10th, 2011-22:42
My best wishes and thoughts to all our Japanese friends. Nicolas.

Living in Southern California

 By: Carlfa : March 10th, 2011-22:56
and going through 3 pretty big quakes I know how you feel. Nobody can be a hero at that time, it is scary stuff. Take care of yourself and your family. Carl

Just read on the news, hope all is alright...

 By: patrick_y : March 10th, 2011-22:58
I just read the terrible news wish all the best to our friends in Japan. Take care to all in the Empire of Japan.

Please take care

 By: RJW : March 10th, 2011-23:00
Its live on the news bulletins now and it looks bad. Regards, Richard.

Stay safe Ken

 By: dreamer8 : March 10th, 2011-23:26
Just watching breaking news footage.Looks bad.

horrible news

 By: ED209 : March 10th, 2011-23:36
Sad to hear about this. Watching it live now on TV and this is really terrible news. Regards, ED-209

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all in Japan.

 By: DRMW : March 11th, 2011-00:50
Hope all friends, family, and love ones in Japan are safe from the tsunami. -MW

It was a biggie all right...

 By: Davo : March 11th, 2011-01:01
I'm OK here in Tokyo. No serious damage where I am. Lots of aftershocks though. Damn, first my hometown, Christchurch NZ, was hit bad by a massive quake. Now it's our turn. Not a good way to start the year..... This message has been edited by Davo on 2011... 

Take good care,

 By: InHavenPro : March 11th, 2011-01:31
terrible event this was and the only thing of paramount importance is that you and your mother are doing all right. Be safe, Filip

Good to know you're ok, Ken... watching it over the news...

 By: Echi : March 11th, 2011-01:36
we're on alert as well. pretty near the orbit of yours.

Heard it on the news too!!

 By: sidneyc : March 11th, 2011-02:00
Hope all the Purists in Japan and everybody else over there is fine! The world is having disaster one after another, after New Zealand we have Japan. This is really sad news! Please take care Ken!!

Stay Safe Ken!

 By: i_am_Sam : March 11th, 2011-04:24
Prayers and positive thoughts sent to all the Japanese people especially the earthquake and tsunami victim Sam

Hope everything ok.

 By: VMM : March 11th, 2011-04:56
Mother earth is angry Best wishes. Take care, mate. Vte

Sad news.

 By: JerryW : March 11th, 2011-05:21
Take care and be safe.. JerryW

My goodness, I didn't know about . . .

 By: Dr No : March 11th, 2011-05:35
. . . the earthquakes until just now. Here's hoping both of you ride this out without any further trauma . . . sincerely, Art

Stay safe, Ken!

 By: dxboon : March 11th, 2011-07:01
I wish you and your family all the best during this difficult time! Cheers, Daos

I just learned about this horrible news

 By: AlexSunrise : March 11th, 2011-07:25
Dear Ken, I hope you and yours are safe. My prayers and thoughts are with all the people of Japan. Yours truly, Alex

Have been reading the news and watching the videos

 By: mrsnak : March 11th, 2011-07:42
Horrible damage. I've also lived through a few big ones here in Southern California (including living a mile from the epicenter of the Northridge Quake), but not nothing this. Prayers go out to everyone affected.

I'm okay. Mother is okay. and SJX is okay, too!

 By: KIH : March 11th, 2011-07:59
Had to walk home, but just an hour and a half. Nothing. We have power, water, gas, all the life lines. Phones are still sporadic, though. Northern pacific coast area was real disaster. My disaster is just this. Nothing. I have no reason whatsoever to comp...  

Happy to hear so!

 By: InHavenPro : March 11th, 2011-12:24
when all you get after an event like that is a messy apartment than there really is nothing to complain about. All the best Ken, Filip

take care guys

 By: Bruno.M1 : March 11th, 2011-09:23
this morning (in Europe) we din't know it was that bad, but between noon and this evening we saw some terrible video's It started with 18 people who lost their life, now they're talking 1.000 +

All the best and prayers for Japan based Purists.

 By: Hororgasm : March 11th, 2011-09:44
Have faith and stay strong. Horo

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

 By: KIH : March 11th, 2011-09:49
I am glad you guys are so kind and thoughtful. And I am glad we are okay with no major damage. But I am just overwhelmed by the news which is continuously conveying the worse and worse and worse situation in the northern pacific areas where now they are t... 

A terrible tragedy

 By: Ubik : March 11th, 2011-10:17
My thoughts to everyone affected.

I could not get through

 By: MTF : March 11th, 2011-10:47
Ken, Thank goodness you, Mother and SJX are OK. I could not get through on mobile phone and did not want to clog up the emergency communication system. I remember our earthquake practice drills in Tokyo but they do not fully prepare you for the Big One. W... 

So sorry to hear this Ken

 By: elanoftroy : March 11th, 2011-11:19
Stay safe and I will be praying for your need. Sincerely, Helen

Thoughts to everybody out there.

 By: Andy : March 11th, 2011-11:23
So pleased you and your family are all OK. Regards, Andy.

Prayers for all of Japan and you and yours...

 By: ocwatching : March 11th, 2011-11:26
please be safe and keep us update...

Thank you for your regards...and some news about Seiko

 By: HIROTA, Masayuki : March 13th, 2011-05:13
Dear all, We all appreciate your kind message. We shall overcome. P.S. Hayashi Seiki, case supplier to Seiko mechanical watches were completely damaged. Thus some models like Mechanical GS will affected by that. Kindest Regards, HIROTA, Masayuki

Some tips from my friend based in japan. Use facebook or twitter as the phones/ internt

 By: patrickmaniac : March 13th, 2011-08:07
maybe sporadic. Hope all turns well for the folks over there. Our prayers are with you. PAt

Here's a jaw dropping video showing the strength of the tsunami wave

 By: AnthonyTsai : March 13th, 2011-10:56
All I can say is WOW. - AT

Sad news ....

 By: bimbeano : March 13th, 2011-13:59
.... Hope you and your relatives stay safe my friend .... Filip

I am so grieved by the disaster

 By: elanoftroy : March 14th, 2011-17:30
Ken, I pray that you and your loved ones are safe and that you are able to offer comfort to those who you come in contact who are mourning. The disaster is so phenominal, that I can't imagine the trauma and grief. I think of you and your country often and... 

Thank you....

 By: KIH : March 14th, 2011-17:43
I am fine, my family are fine. But thinking of those who actuallly suffered, lost their lives, lost the loved ones, does hurt a lot. Thank you for your kind words and thought. Much appreciated. Ken

You are fortunate to have power and internet access

 By: elanoftroy : March 15th, 2011-14:14
Ken, I just finished reading the web news about the crisis. Here is something good (if there is any such thing)... Because of differing designs in the nuclear reactors, that it is unlikely that Fukushima would degenerate into a widespread contamination pr... 

Helen, thank you!

 By: KIH : March 15th, 2011-18:57
Yes, Tokyo is fortunate. We are almost back to normla life. Commute this morning was as normal. Power, water, food, internet - all normal. The area affected was not all Japan. Stuff are coming from western parts of the country and people are helping each ... 

I understand your feelings

 By: elanoftroy : March 18th, 2011-21:35
Ken, We just observed the fifth year after hurricane Katrina. Anderson Cooper commented on the fact that, while people all around were hungry, thirsty and in dire need, his news crew didn't do without... that made me sad. With all the money those networks...